Saturday, February 2, 2008

Fabulous February

My goals for January were a bust. Well, not a total bust because I did make some headway on them. For February my financial goals are as follows:

#1 Lunch from home......I will give myself a $5 budget FOR THE WHOLE WEEK for little things like gum or an occasional soda. Otherwise my lunch will be brought from home and whether or not I like the left overs I am going to eat them. So much food wasted it's disgusting!

#2 My stashalong goals were fulfilled in that I did not spend one penny on yarn I did however purchase a $5 knitting book on clearence which I regret because it was quite crappy. It's almost like I needed a fix or something. But as far as needles and yarn are concerned I held out. Each time I felt the urge I went ahead and spent some time with my stash and plugged away at my current projects. My goals for February are the same except that I do need a set of good wooden double pointed needles. I split my #2's. Any suggestions on some hard needles that hold up to much abuse?

#3 Use my paycheck after paying my tithes, offerings, gas and groceries entirely to payoff credit cards.

Now for my knitting goals.....

#1 Finish my husband's socks for Valentine's day.

#2 Finish the Master Knitter program and send it out b4 the 20th

#3 Start the hourglass sweater in cotton ease

Spiritual Goals.....

#1 Read my Bible every morning

#2 Study what the Bible has to say about marriage and family

#3 Be faithful to my tithes and offerings

These goals are relatively simple but the way my life is right now I must keep them so in order to be able to simplify it more.

Until next time my bloggy friends.....

1 comment:

storylady said...

Simple is good! You and I have a lot in common. Our love for our God, our love for our husband and our love for yarn! I also have a 15 year old daughter I add to the list!

As far as paying off credit cards, being a Christian, have you ever heard of Dave Ramsey's 'Financial Peace University'? My husband and I have one more card to pay off and then the second mortage and then the mortage and then we are debt free. We have paid off seven credit cards and have NO car payments. He is a cash only kind of guy and you would be surprized at how that curbs your spending! He is a great man of faith! We also tithe and feel God's faithfulness to us when we are faithful to Him!

God bless you and yours! There is Light at the end of the tunnel!

In His Shadow,
Linda Hortter
Visit my blogs:
Knitting and Crocheting;
Just Stuff;
My Family Research